AUTHORED BY: English Geek

English Geek

Admin for English Geek website.

Introduction to Conjunctions


The word ‘conjunction’ is made up of two parts – ‘con’ which means ‘to bring together’, and ‘junction’ which means ‘a joint’. So, conjunctions are the joining words that bring similar types of structures together and join them in a sentence. They may join nouns / pronouns with nouns / pronouns, verb with verbs, adjectives with adjectives, adverbs with adverbs, phrases with phrases or clauses with clauses.

Examples of Conjunctions : and, or, but, so, because, though, although, therefore, yet, unless etc. Sometimes, a few words are also used together to form conjunctions; as for example – along with, together with, as well as, no sooner ____ than, hardly / scarcely ____ when etc.

Joining different parts of speech, phrases or clauses by using conjunctions helps in overcoming unnecessary repetition and reduces redundancy. This results in economy of words and makes our expression concise and effective. Not to forget that many words which look conjunctions at first instance, can also be used as other parts of speech. For example, ‘but’ can be used as a conjunction as well as a preposition, ‘till’ & ‘until’ can be used as conjunctions as well as prepositions. Hence, due care must be taken to use words judiciously and justifiably to bring out clarity in what one wants to convey.

Different aspects related to study of conjunctions are as follows.

  • Types of Conjunctions
  • Conjunctions vs Prepositions
  • Conjunctions vs Relative Pronouns
  • Conjunctions vs Adverbs
  • Points to Keep in Mind to Make Correct Use of Conjunctions.

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